I have recently purchased the following Essex Miniature Prussians from Henry, God only knows when I will find time to paint these 600+ figures!
SYP1 Prussian Musketeer advancing (96)
SYP2 Prussian Musketeer at the ready (56)
SYP3 Prussian Musketeer command (24)
SYP4 Prussian Fusilier advancing (128)
SYP6 Prussian Fusilier command (24)
SYP7 Prussian Grenadiers advancing (32)
SYP9 Prussian Grenadier command (12)
SYP23 Prussian Jäger de Noble advancing (24)
SYP13 Prussian Artillerymen (84)
SYP17 Prussian Dragoons (52)
SYP18 Prussian Dragoons command (6)
SYP15 Prussian Cuirassier(8)
SYP16 Prussian Cuirassier command (3)
SYP19 Prussian Hussar (mirliton) (15)
SYP21 Prussian Mounted General & Staff Officers (3)
SYP28 Von Kleist lancers (32)
SYP29 Von Kleist command (6)
I'll pick them up later this month when I go to the UK.